pointers for life
In life,
your triumph is not in controlling any events but in being able to do all that is in your power regardless of external circumstances.
Whatever anxiety you have today about a future you cannot control,
over losing something you hold precious,
or not getting where you want to be,
trust that your angst is a precious doorway to your fullest potential.
Life is summoning you to access courage and openness that are required to receive all the gifts that are in-house for you.
Inner peace is a triumph in life.
To achieve equanimity, you must let go of the attachment to any particular outcome, and ready yourself for the things life has planned for you.
The trick here is knowing that you cannot pick and choose.
You will receive abundance, but you cannot determine the shape and form of your success.
You will be challenged, but you cannot choose the intensity and the flavour of your hurdles.
You will be loved, but you cannot decide what it looks like and when it comes.
As long as, like a good gardener, you prepare the soil and work with the rhythm of nature, rather than against it;
As long as, like a good host, you ready your home for the friendly and unfriendly guests with an equal welcome;
As long as, like a good alchemist, you set your mind to turn any metal into gold;
You will receive the greatest gifts of your lifetime.
It is inevitable, for the natural law states when the condition is ripe, the seeds must grow.
Faith takes tremendous courage, but it is your only way through.
During this turbulent and exciting time, here are a few pointers to live by:
One. Be ready to grieve.
Let the old— a person, a relationship, an idea of who you were— go.
In grief, you may feel sad, resentful, and angry.
Know that this is natural, and in fact, progressive.
Allow the tenderness to wash through you; it is only by releasing the good could you make room for the best.
Two. Trust life.
Life never gives you too much or too little.
Whatever is going to happen next, is perfectly designed for you.
It is big enough to stretch you but proportionate enough for you to breathe.
Three, and the most important. Trust yourself.
You are infinitely adaptable, beyond imagination.
Think of yourself like a tree that sways but will not break,
When life sends you the next unexpected storm, you will first wobble;
and in your wobble, you will find strength.
Then, the occasion will shape you into who you ought to be—
a stronger, fuller version of yourself.
After all, you have done it many times before, haven’t you?
Let life change you,
you are perfectly safe on this journey.
“Forget safety.
Live where you fear to live.
Destroy your reputation.
Be notorious.”
― Rumi
It is important you find your own definition of success, rather than what your family, culture or society say.
Draw an image of what success looks for you- including your home, relationships, clothing, job, and achievements.
Turn your paper over and write three steps that will help you make your dream come true.
Now, try to find the smallest possible step that you could execute right now. It might be as simple as looking something up on the internet or make a list of the resources you need.
Take the smallest possible step forward, without overthinking about the long-term outcome.