The resolution
It is not uncommon that, as you step into more love, pleasure, and authenticity in your life, you feel plagued by waves of sadness.
It may come in the form of bad dreams, intense nostalgia, unexplainable physical symptoms, or unexpected feelings of guilt.
It doesn’t mean you are doing anything ‘wrong’. Quite the opposite:
Much like the caterpillar that needs to shred her cocoon, you are breaking into something bigger and more glorious.
Taking this plunge involves the “killing off” of an old self, a stripping-away of all that is out of alignment with your true path.
Stepping into your bigness requires letting go— of your old identifications, old beliefs, an old way of being in the world and often and most evocatively, some relationships.
It’s a bit like a tooth surgery.
Just because your rational mind knows what you are shredding is decayed, does not mean the process is pain-free.
For whatever it is, it has been a part of you for a very long time.
In this journey
Let go of the demand on yourself to be ‘happy’, but rather, run with the complexity of your rich inner world, where joy and sadness, excitement and pain can all happen at the same time.
It is tender, it is wild.
Embrace the shredding pain, it is a sign that says things ARE heading in the right direction.
Before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience. - Harper Lee
This is the last part of the Story Exercise.
The Chinese word for "crisis"( 危機) is composed of two Chinese characters respectively signifying "danger" and "opportunity".
Embedded within every crisis or antagonist, there is an opportunity for growth.
How does the story unfold?
What would be a resolution for your story?
How would the character defeat the antagonist and come to a new way of being?
If your story was a movie, this would be the climax scene, where the protagonist overcome their obstacles and come to their victory.
Visualise these antagonists in your journal- either by drawing them out or choosing imageries to represent them.
This piece of music may inspire you: