We did something, said something, changed something. 

Because we felt compelled to do so. Because it looked and felt right at the time. 

Because we did the best we could with all we had at the time. 

And it didn’t turn out the way we want it to.

We feel like we have made a mess. 

But breath. 

We don’t know yet. 

We thought it was a mess but we don't see the full picture.

We often don't realise 

but our persistent need to be self-critical comes from our need to feel in control.

Although it seems irrational, perhaps deep down we rather believe we are at fault than to thrust ourselves fully in this unpredictable, precarious universe.

As we dismantle our rigid perspective and expectations,

we will realise uncertainty is our only certain.

By letting go of the need to control, we are counting on nothing external but our organic true self.

As we shake loose the attachment to any existing gain, fame, pleasure and fortune, letting them come and go,

we are left with nothing but your essence. 

With nothing to hide, 

We become strong. 

By making a mess, we are counting on authenticity, rather than perfection. 

We cannot be anything else but who we are, right here and now. 

With nothing to change,

We become free. 

Go on, make a mess.

Because there is no real ‘mess’ in life. 

Our most spontaneous expression, even when it looks like chaos to the naked eye,

is actually perfect. 

“We do not “come into” this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean “waves,” the universe “peoples.” Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe.”

— Alan Watts 

This week’s experiment: AFFIRMATIONS

Read out the following affirmation.

Choose one that resonates the most with you.

You may amend them, or create your own affirmation.

Then, using coloured papers and other tools, create a poster of affirmation, and put it somewhere visible for you.

I am not a static being. I am constantly changing shape.

I reserve the right to change my mind.

I make room for new information to come in.

I welcome new relationships to change me.

I humbly accept life lessons and have them shifts me.

With the power of atonement, I do not have to be forever imprisoned by decisions I have made in the past. 

With the power of discernment, I can courageously stay open to all possibilities in the future.

I can have my heart wide open for both myself and others.

I do not need to be in fear, get defensive, or build up walls.

For I know I am the source of infinite compassion.

I can forgive myself again and again, because I am atone for what I have done. 

I can open my heart again and again, because I recognise that change is the only constant. 

I am free to be me, right here, right now. 

And whatever I feel is best for me at this very moment, is not just enough, but is also the best course of action. 

I trust myself.